Delete or deactivate products 

You can easily delete products from inventory or temporarily disable them in the Product Management section of the GoSELL admin page. Just follow these simple steps: 

Step–by–step guide: 

Delete a product 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 


Step 2: Click on the Products section, then select All products. 

Step 3: Use the search bar to find the product. Enter the full or partial product name you want to delete. 


For example: To delete a t-shirt, type “t-shirt” or “T-shirt” in the search bar. The page will display all products containing the keyword “t-shirt”. 


Step 4: Click on the product from the search results or the product list, then choose Select Action. 


Step 5: In the Select Action dropdown menu, choose Delete. 


A confirmation dialog box will appear. 

  • Click Cancel to return to the previous page without deleting. 
  • Click Delete to confirm the deletion. 

Step 6: The product is now successfully removed. 

Deactivate a product 

Step 1-3: Follow the deletion instructions above. 

Step 4: Click on the product you want to disable from the search results or the product list. 


Step 5: In the Select Action dropdown menu, choose Deactivate. 

A confirmation dialog box will appear. 

  • Click Cancel to return to the previous page without deactivating it. 
  • Click Yes to confirm deactivating the product. 


Step 6: The product is now unavailable for sale.

This is a guide for Deleting or deactivating products from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].