Add products to collections 

GoSELL allows you to easily organize your products into collections, grouping items with shared attributes. You can add products to collections manually (one by one) or automatically (by setting specific criteria). Follow these instructions to get started. 

Step–by–step guide:

Add products manually

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at:


Step 2: Click on the Products section, then select Product collections. 


Step 3: In the Product Collection management section, locate the manual collection you want to add products to and click on its Edit icon (pencil icon). 


Step 4: Click on Select Products to begin adding items to your collection. 


Step 5: Find and Select Products: 

  • Search for specific products or browse through the displayed list. 
  • Check the boxes next to the products you want to add, then click OK to confirm. 


Step 6: Click Save to update the collection and add the selected products. 

Add products automatically

Step 1,2: Follow the same steps as for manually adding products. 

Step 3: In the Product Collection Management section, choose the Automatic collection you want to edit. 


Step 4: You can add multiple conditions to refine the selection process. Products must match all conditions or any specified conditions to be included in the collection. 

  • Product title contains/ equals/ starts with/ ends with a specific word or phrase related to the product. 
  • Product price is greater than, less than, or equal to a specified value. 


Example: To automatically add products with titles starting with “Men”, choose “Product title”, “starts with” and enter “Men” in the field. 


Step 5: Click Save to update the collection. Products matching your conditions will be automatically added to the collection. 


This is a guide for adding products to collections from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].