Search orders 

Quick order searches allow you to promptly capture information and handle customer requests quickly. Read this article to learn more about the various ways to search for orders in various ways on the GoSELL system.

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 

Step 2: Select the Order category, then click on Order List. 

Step 3: On the Order Management page, the system will display all orders, including pending orders, canceled orders, and delivered orders. 

Step 4: To search for an order, you can enter a keyword based on one of the following criteria: 

  • Customer name. 
  • Order number. 
  • Phone number. 
  • Customer barcode. 
  • Shipping address. 
  • Order group ID. 
  • Product name. 
  • Product barcode. 
  • Product ID. 

Step 5: The following request returns orders that match the search keyword you provided. 

This article includes information about performing order searches and viewing search results. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team via email at [email protected].