Set up the product review feature on your website 

Product reviews are a crucial part of effective e-commerce sales techniques because they have a significant impact on your customer choices. So, integrating the product review feature on your website is essential because: 

  • Reviews are social proof: Online product reviews can help influence the buying decisions of potential customers by building a foundational trust between your business and your customer.  
  • Extra information: By analyzing your data and identifying common themes or trends, you can gain valuable insights into what customers value most in your product offerings. 
  • Product and service improvements: Reviews become a measure of customer demand, helping to make necessary forecasts and improve the product and service provided to your customer.  

The GoSELL solution provides a product review feature, allowing your customers to easily leave feedback and star ratings when shopping on your website. Set up this feature now with just a few simple steps! 

Step-by-step Guide:  

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 


Step 2: On the admin dashboard, click on the Products category, then select Product Reviews. 

Step 3: To activate the product review feature, turn the Enable product review button on. 

Step 4: The system will display a list of all products being sold. You can allow customers to review specific products by toggling the Action button to green as shown below. 

Step 5: After completing the above steps, all customer reviews will be displayed on the Product Review Management page, with detailed information including: 

  • Thumbnail. 
  • Product name. 
  • Rating. 
  • Reviews. 
  • Customer name. 
  • Created date. 

Step 6: For convenient tracking and management of product reviews, you can sort these ratings in the following order: 

  • New to old. 
  • Old to new. 
  • High to low. 
  • Low to high. 

Let’s take all reviews seriously and act on any constructive suggestions. This will help you as a seller to keep your customers happy moving forward and avoid repetitive issues. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team via email at [email protected].