Detailed product tracking and management 

GoSELL’s product tracking and management feature empowers sellers to monitor inventory levels and sales performance across all branches effortlessly. Follow these easy steps to track and manage your products effectively.

Step-by-step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: Go to Products and select Inventory. 

Search and filter products

  • Search for Products: Easily locate products by name or SKU using the search bar. 

  • Filter by Branch: View stock levels or product status for specific branches. 

  • Filter by Priority: Sort products by priority level (High/Low; Low/High Stock). 

The system displays the following product information: 

  • Thumbnail: Product image. 
  • Product name: Product name as listed in your store. 
  • Remaining stock: Total quantity of the product currently in stock across all branches. 
  • Sold: Total quantity of the product sold, including: 
    • All sold product variations. 
    • Orders are in progress on the Website. 
    • Orders in the delivery process. 
    • Successfully delivered orders. 
  • In transaction: Displays the quantity of goods currently being processed, including: 
    • Orders placed but not yet delivered. 
    • Orders are in progress on the Website. 
  • Status: Product status – Available/Unavailable/Discontinued. 

View inventory history

Click on Inventory history to track product movement. Here, you can search for products, filter by date range, branch, and user, or view all product actions. 

This section displays: 

  • Thumbnail image. 
  • Product name. 
  • Stock change. 
  • Remaining stock. 
  • Action. 
  • Transaction number. 
  • Created by. 
  • Timestamp. 

This is a guide for detailed product tracking and management from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].