Set up a multilingual toolkit for your online store
A multilingual toolkit on your online store can significantly expand your reach to international customers.
Customers can easily switch between languages on your store, ensuring a personalized shopping experience.
Step-by-step guide:
Publish/Unpublish a new language
Step 1: After successfully purchasing the Multilingual Package, go to Settings => Store Language.
Step 2: Configure the default language for your store.
The default language is the language that will be displayed to customers when they access your online store if they have not selected a preferred language. The default language can be applied in the online store theme, Checkout, and product data.
To change the store’s default language, click on Change Language and select the language you want to display.
Step 3: Configure the translated languages.
These are the languages into which your store interface and product information can be translated.
If you want to add more languages to your online store, click the Publish button next to the language you want to display. Then, continue by selecting translation and following the instructions if you want to edit, and click Save to complete.
Edit translation for the products/services
If you want customers who select other languages on the website to find the corresponding products or services, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at:
Step 2: On the GoSELL admin page, go to Products => All Products.
Step 3: Select the product you want to edit in another language by clicking on that product.
Step 4: In the Product Information interface, select Edit Translation.
Step 5: Choose the language you want to edit, then modify the content according to the selected language and click Save.
Note: Follow the same steps for services.
The guide above explains how to set up a multilingual toolkit for your website. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team via email at [email protected].