Add service time slots and branch locations 

When creating a service on GoSELL, you need to specify available time slots and branch locations for customer bookings. This allows you to optimize appointment scheduling and distribute services effectively across your branches. Follow the steps below to add time slots and branch locations for your services.

Step–by–step guide:     

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: Click on the Services section, then select All Services. 

Step 3: Find the service you want to edit in the Service Management list. You can either search for it by name or browse through the list. 

Step 4: In the service details, find the Location & Time section. 

  • Add locations: Click on Location to add information about the branches where this service is offered. 

Note: You can enter up to 10 branches. Use the following format for addresses: Number – Street, Ward/Commune, District, City/Province.  

  • Add time slots:  
  • Click on Time slot to add the available times for customers to book this service. 
  • Use the HH:MM format (HH = hour, MM = minutes). Press Enter after entering each time slot. 

Step 5: Click the Save button to apply your updates. A confirmation message will appear upon successful update. 

This is a guide for Adding service time slots and branch locations from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].