Assign customers to afffliates

GoSELL allows you to easily assign customers to specific affiliates, ensuring that when those customers place new orders, the designated affiliate automatically receives the appropriate commission. With this feature, affiliates can earn more, and sellers can manage commissions more efficiently and accurately. 

Step-by-step guide:  

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 

Step 2: In the Customers section, select All Customers 

Step 3: On the All Customers page, select the customer you want to assign.  

You can search for the customer’s name in the search bar or choose from the displayed customer list.  

Check the box next to the customer you want to select.  

Step 4: Click Select Action, then choose Assign Partner 

Step 5: Check the box for the affiliate you want to assign to this customer, then click OK to complete. 

The guide above explains how to assign customers to affiliate. Our hope is that this information proves useful to you. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team via email at [email protected].