Configure order display
Configuring the display of order information not only helps you track and manage orders but also optimizes your workflow, quickly captures important information, and makes quickly decisions. In this article, you will be guided step-by-step on how to choose the display criteria to optimize the order display.
Step-by-step Guide:
Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link:
Step 2: Select the Order category, then click on Order List.
Step 3: To set up the display information in the order list, click on the Gear icon as shown below.
Step 4: The system will display all details of an order, including:
- Order information: order ID, status, total amount, payment method, order date, delivery address, delivery method, shipping fee, payment status, return status, debt amount.
- Seller information: staff, created by, branch.
- Customer information: customer name, customer ID.
- Promotion details: redeem point, earning point, discount.
- Receiver information: receiver’s name, receiver’s phone number.
- Affiliate information: update date, approved commission date (if this is an affliate’s order).
Tick the box if you want this information to be displayed on the Order Management page.
Step 5: Click Save to complete this process.
With a few steps, you can easily configure the order information display for effective management. If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact us at email [email protected].