Create and segment customers based on order data 

GoSELL allows merchants to segment customers based on order data history like delivery location, order volume, and total value. This enables targeted promotions and care plans for high-value customers. Follow these steps to utilize this feature.

Step–by–step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: In the Customers section, select Segments. 

Step 3: Click on Create Segment. 

Step 4: Enter a name for the Segment name. 

Step 5: Set the conditions to define the Customer Group. 

Merchants can choose conditions to segment customers based on order information. The condition needs to match All conditions / One of the following segmentation conditions:  

  • Total order count: Equal to/ greater than/ less than a certain number of orders per quarter/ month/ year/ all time. 

For example, the Order Information condition is the total number of orders equal to 100 per month, as shown below. 

  • Total purchase amount: Equal to/ greater than/ less than a certain order value per month/ quarter/ year/ all time. 

For example, the Order Information condition is the total order value greater than 200 USD per month, as shown below. 

  • Purchase date: Before/ during/ after dd/ mm/ yyyy (day/ month/ year). 

For example, the Order Information condition is the purchase date after 01/01/2024, as shown below. 

Merchants can also add conditions to filter customers by clicking on the Add Condition button, as shown below. 

Step 6: Click Save to complete creating the customer group. 

This is a guide for Creating and segmenting customers based on order data from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].