Customize website design 

Give your website a fresh look and attract more customers by updating its interface. GoSELL offers a range of tools to help you customize it to your unique style. 

Step-by-step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: In the Sales channel section, select Online shop. 

You will be redirected to the Themes page. 

Step 3: On the Themes page, scroll down to the bottom of the Theme store section and click on Visit theme store. 

Step 4: Select the Website template you want to edit and click on Edit. 

In the General Settings section, you can customize the following: 

  • Change Shop logo. 
  • Favicon. 
  • Upload banner image. 
  • Choose a font. 
  • Website’s main color scheme: Primary color and secondary color. 
  • Widgets: 
  • Display call button: Enter your store’s phone number. 
  • Contact channels: Add links to Facebook, Youtube, GoMUA, or other channels. 

In the Elements section, customize each component: 

  • Header: Adjust layout, add/remove menu items. 
  • Banner ads: Upload new banners, change banner size and position. 
  • Product/banner slideshow: Customize the number of products/banners displayed, transition effects. 
  • Collections: Add/remove collections, change product display. 
  • Other components: Image slideshow, map, video, video playlist, flash sale, contact, menu slider, HTML code, description/introduction, testimonials, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, footer, etc. 

Step 5: Click Save to save your changes. 

Step 6: Click Publish to update your website with the new interface. 

Note: GoSELL allows you to customize your interface to be compatible with various devices such as computers, phones, etc. Please check the interface on these devices after you have finished editing to ensure the best customer experience. 

This is a guide for Customizing website design. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].