Import your product list from an Excel file 

Instead of manually entering each product, you can save time and effort by uploading a list of your products to GoSELL using an Excel file. This method is especially helpful when you need to add multiple products at once.

Step-by-step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: Click on the Products section, then select All Products. 


Step 3: Click on the Import button to upload your product Excel file.  

Next, choose the branch where you want to add these products. 

Step 4: Select and upload your file: 

You can drag and drop your product list file into the designated area or browse your computer to select it. Once you have selected the file, click on Import to begin the uploading process. 


Make sure your product list is formatted correctly using the provided template file. 

The file size should be smaller than 2MB. You can download the template file by clicking [here – insert link if applicable]. 

Certain information is mandatory for each product, including: 

  • Product Name: The maximum length is 100 characters. 
  • Product Description: 
  • Format: Text only. 
  • Minimum characters: 100. 
  • Maximum characters: 32,767. 
  • Image URL: Provide the full web address (URL) where your product image is located.
  • Price: 
    • Format: Number only. 
    • Minimum value: 0. 
    • Maximum value: 99,999,999.9999. 
  • Selling Price: 
    • Format: Number only. 
    • Minimum value: 0. 
    • Maximum value: Must be less than or equal to the “Price” value. 
    • If the product is not discounted, enter the same value for “Selling Price” as the “Price”. 
  • Inventory: 
    • Format: Number only. 
    • Maximum value: 1,000,000. 

Step 5: Review the upload results: 

You will receive a notification once your file has been uploaded successfully. Please note that any duplicate product information will not be imported. For example, a message stating “0/20 products created successfully” means: 

  • 0: This is the number of products in your file that were identified as duplicates and were not added to your store. 
  • 20: This is the total number of products included in your uploaded file. 

This is a guide for Importing your product list from an Excel file from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].