Set up and filter orders by detailed information 

Tracking and processing orders is crucial for customer satisfaction and optimizing your business operations. An important tool for this is the order filter. This feature not only helps manage orders efficiently but also prioritizes them based on criteria such as time, order value, or delivery area. 

This article will guide you step-by-step on how to set up and use the order filter. 

Set up the order filter 

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 

Step 2: Select the Order category, then click on Order List. 

Step 3: In the control panel on the left side of the admin screen, click on Orders => Order List. 

Step 4: To set up the order filter, click on the Gear icon as shown below. 

Step 5: Here, the system will provide you with two options:  

  • Shorten display: The system will display important order information, such as the number of products, branch, staff, shipping method, etc. 

  • Expanded display: To display more detailed order information, you can select criteria to filter order and fill the default values in the expanded display settings, such as tags, discount codes, etc. 

Step 6: Finally, click Save to complete the order filter setup process. 

Filter orders by detailed information 

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 


Step 2: Select the Order category, then click on Orders List. 

Step 3: To use the order filter, click on the Filter icon. 

Step 4: All the criteria to filter order will be shown as guided by GoSELL above. Let’s select the specific criteria, click Apply button and all the filtered orders will be displayed. 

This is the guideline about setting up and filtering orders by details information. If you have any questions, please contact us at email [email protected]. Continue to follow our website and update the latest information.