Show/ hide discount codes in cart suggestions 

Make your promotional campaigns more impactful with GoSELL’s flexible discount code visibility settings for your website and app shopping cart. Surprise customers with enticing discounts right at checkout to encourage faster purchase decisions. 

Follow the steps below to hide/show discount codes. 

Step-by-step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: 

Step 2: In the Promotion section, select Discount. 

Step 3: On the Promotion page, select Discount code.  

Step 4: Click on either Product discount code or Service discount code, depending on your selection. 

Step 5: On the Create product discount code page, scroll down to the General information section under Name. 

Step 6: In the Name section, check the box for Don’t show discount code on the online store to hide the discount code. Uncheck the box to show it. 


Step 7: Click Save to finalize your settings. 

This is a guide for showing/hiding discount codes in cart suggestions from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].