Supplier list management 

Supplier management is an important feature that helps you track the number of suppliers, view the history of imports from suppliers, and monitor the status of imports at every branch. 

By managing the list of suppliers, your can easily place orders, ensure a sufficient supply of goods for the stores, avoid stockouts, and better meet customer needs. 

In this article, GoSELL will guide you on how to track and manage the supplier list. 

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 

Step 2: Select the Suppliers category, then click on All Supliers. 

Step 3: View the list of supplier information. The main information includes: 

  • Search supplier (by code and name): You can enter the name or code of the supplier in this field to find the one you are looking for. 
  • Supplier code: The code you assign to the supplier, including letters, numbers, or hyphens. 
  • Supplier name: The name of the supplier, which can include the name of the product they provide to you. 
  • Email: The official email address of the supplier for ordering. 
  • Phone number: The contact phone number for ordering. 

Step 4: To view details or edit supplier information, let’s click on the specific supplier code as shown in the image below. 

Step 5: The system will display all the information about the selected supplier. You can choose one of the following actions: 

  • Edit supplier information (supplier name, supplier code, address, responsible staff, etc.). Click Save to complete the action. 

  • Delete the supplier by clicking on the Delete button in the right corner of the screen. 

  • Track the import history and debt history of each supplier. 

With this feature, GoSELL hopes you can effectively manage your suppliers. If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact us at email [email protected] Continue to follow our website and update the latest information.