Upload product images on the website  

Adding images to products is crucial for attracting customers in today’s competitive online marketplace. High-quality images allow customers to clearly visualize the style, color, material, and actual size of the product, providing a more authentic and trustworthy online shopping experience. 

Moreover, images have the power to stimulate visually, evoke emotions, and increase customers’ desire to own the product, contributing to higher conversion rates and boosted sales. 

This article will guide you how to upload product images on the website: 

Step–by–step guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the Admin Page at: https://admin.gosell.biz/. 

Step 2: In the Products section, select All Products. 

Step 3: Choose the product you want to add images to. 

Search and select the desired product. 

Step 4: In the Images section, click the plus (+) icon to add images. 

Select the images you want to upload from your device. 

Step 5: Set the Main photo (cover image) for the product. 

After uploading, you can select the newly added image as the featured image by clicking the Set main button on that image. 

Step 6: Click the Save button to complete the image upload. 

Note: You can also add animated images (GIFs) to products using the same steps. Please note that the uploaded GIF file size should not exceed 100KB. 

This is a guide for uploading product images on the website from GoSELL. Should you encounter any difficulties or inquiries, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team by email at [email protected].