View the current inventory of the product in the purchase order 

GoSELL allows you to view the current inventory of products in purchase orders. It helps accurate procurement planning and helps minimize the risks of overstocking or shortages during business operations.

Step-by-step Guide: 

Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link: 

Step 2: Next, click on Suppliers => Purchase orders. 

Step 3: On the Purchase Order Management page, select Create Purchase Order. 

Step 4: View the current stock levels of the product. 

You can select the Destination in the Order Information section, then choose the product to be entered in the Product Information section. The page will then automatically display the inventory information for that product at the selected branch. 

Besides, you can also review the inventory in the purchase order by clicking on the created purchase orders. 

With GoSELL, you can easily check the products, prices, and quantities for a purchase order that you place with a supplier. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the GoSELL Customer Support team via email at [email protected].