Configure commission for your affiliates (External store) 

Configure commission for your affiliates (External store) 

Configure commission for your affiliates (External store)  Affiliate commission refers to an amount or percentage of revenue that a company pays to its affiliates based on their sales performance. Calculating affiliate commissions accurately is crucial as it directly impacts a … Continued
Upload products on the affiliate page (External store) 

Upload products on the affiliate page (External store) 

Upload products on the affiliate page (External store)  After successfully creating the affiliate page, you can upload products to this page for affiliates to easily select and generate product links to promote online or offline.   Step-by-step Guide:   Upload a new … Continued
Manage and approve affiliate accounts (External store)

Manage and approve affiliate accounts (External store)

Manage and approve affiliate accounts (External store)  Affliate marketing feature is a solution to help your businesses enhance the management and productivity of their affiliate teams. Specifically, with GoSELL, you can easily:   View and approve affiliate accounts.  Block or unactive … Continued
Create and view the affiliate page (External store)

Create and view the affiliate page (External store)

Create and view the affiliate page (External store) After purchasing and successfully activating your account, you will see a welcome screen. Here, you need to create a dedicated page for affiliates so they can register, log in, view information, and … Continued
Approve or reject affiliate registrations 

Approve or reject affiliate registrations 

Approve or reject affiliate registrations  Take the next step in growing your affiliate team. Follow this guide to approve registrations.  Step-by-step Guide:  Step 1: Log in to the GoSELL admin page (Link:  Step 2: On the Admin page, click … Continued
Create and segment customers by affiliates

Create and segment customers by affiliates

Create and segment customers by affiliates This guide explains how to create and segment customers by affiliates on GoSELL. This is a valuable feature that helps you efficiently organize your target customer. With the GoSELL version 4.2, you can create … Continued
Guide customers to purchase via the product links of affliliate 

Guide customers to purchase via the product links of affliliate 

Guide customers to purchase via the product links of affliliate  Encourage your affiliates to promote their product links on various platforms to attract customers. Below are some effective ways to do that.  Step-by-step guide:  Step 1: Create a referral link … Continued
Set up affiliate commissions

Set up affiliate commissions

Set up affiliate commissions  This guide provides a step-by-step guide for setting up affiliate commissions on the GoSELL platform. First, you’ll learn how to access the Affiliate Management page with your GoSELL account. Then, we will explain how to set … Continued
Manage affiliate orders

Manage affiliate orders

Manage affiliate orders  The Affiliate Orders page displays all orders created by your affiliates. Here, you can manage which affiliate created the order, track the order processing status, and check whether the order has been paid and delivered. This allows … Continued
Create an account and assign a title for a new affiliate

Create an account and assign a title for a new affiliate

Create an account and assign a title for a new affiliate  With the Affiliate feature on GoSELL, your business can build an unlimited team of affiliates from any location without the need to pay fixed salaries. This is considered an … Continued
Filter orders by affiliates

Filter orders by affiliates

Filter orders by affiliates  Filtering orders by affiliates is a useful feature that helps you easily track and manage orders created by each affiliate. This allows you to accurately assess the performance of your team of affiliates and adjust your … Continued
Guide for affiliates to get promotion links 

Guide for affiliates to get promotion links 

Guide for affiliates to get promotion links  Becoming an affiliate offers you the exciting opportunity to earn an attractive income by recommending products and attracting customers. For each product sold through your unique promotion link, you will receive a corresponding … Continued
Create and short product promotion links

Create and short product promotion links

Create and short product promotion links  Shortening your product promotion links is a simple yet effective way to enhance professionalism and increase customer click-through rates. Short links make a better impression and are easier for customers to access and share, … Continued
Register as an affliate on an e-commerce website

Register as an affliate on an e-commerce website

Register as an affliate on an e-commerce website  Are you a loyal GoSELL customer or a content creator looking for an income stream? Join GoSELL’s partner program and earn attractive commissions by successfully recommending our products/services!  The partner feature offers … Continued
Purchase through affiliate links

Purchase through affiliate links

Purchase through affiliate links  After creating an affiliate link, your affiliates need to share it on social media and other channels to reach potential customers. Here’s how your affiliates can find customers and guide them through the purchase process using … Continued
Assign customers to afffliates 

Assign customers to afffliates 

Assign customers to afffliates GoSELL allows you to easily assign customers to specific affiliates, ensuring that when those customers place new orders, the designated affiliate automatically receives the appropriate commission. With this feature, affiliates can earn more, and sellers can … Continued
Set up commission types for each affiliate

Set up commission types for each affiliate

Set up commission types for each affiliate  Once you’ve set up affiliate commissions, assign the correct commission type to each affiliate. GoSELL will then automatically calculate and apply commissions for successful orders.  Follow the article below to learn how to … Continued