View and search for existing services

View and search for existing services

View and search for existing services  To view and search for services previously posted in the Service Management section of the GoSELL admin page, you can follow the steps outlined below.  Step–by–step guide:  Step 1: Log in to the Admin … Continued
View and search service collections

View and search service collections

View and search service collections  This guide outlines the steps you to view and search for existing service collections they have created within the service management section of their GoSELL admin page.  Step–by–step guide:  Step 1: Log in to the … Continued
Create purchase orders and track detailed import history from suppliers

Create purchase orders and track detailed import history from suppliers

Create purchase orders and track detailed import history from suppliers  Tracking detailed import history from suppliers is a part of supply chain and warehouse management. It helps you maintain control and monitor import activities, thereby ensuring that supply sources are … Continued
Add services to collections

Add services to collections

Add services to collections  GoSELL allows you to organize your services into collections, making it easy for customers to find what they need. You can add services to a collection manually, one by one, or set up automatic rules to … Continued
Create and publish services across multiple channels and branches

Create and publish services across multiple channels and branches

Create and publish services across multiple channels and branches   Creating and publishing services across multiple channels and branches empowers businesses to reach customers more flexibly. This approach allows you to advertise your services widely on various platforms, enhancing brand visibility … Continued
Update or delete service collections

Update or delete service collections

Update or delete service collections  The Update/Delete service collection feature on GoSELL allows you to easily manage your service collections. You can update information like names, descriptions, images, and the services within a collection, or delete entire collections as needed. … Continued
View, filter, and manage reservations

View, filter, and manage reservations

View, filter, and manage reservations  GoSELL’s built-in reservations system lets you easily track and manage your bookings. You can view detailed information for each reservation and perform various actions. See the guide below for how to manage your appointment bookings. … Continued
Set the service prices

Set the service prices

Set the service prices   When offering services on your online store, setting prices is essential. Displaying prices transparently allows customers to understand your service costs and easily compare options. Additionally, enabling online payments through your website requires using GoSELL’s service … Continued
Add service time slots and branch locations

Add service time slots and branch locations

Add service time slots and branch locations  When creating a service on GoSELL, you need to specify available time slots and branch locations for customer bookings. This allows you to optimize appointment scheduling and distribute services effectively across your branches. … Continued
Delete or deactivate services

Delete or deactivate services

Delete or deactivate services  GoSELL allows you to easily delete services entirely from your inventory or deactivate them from your service offerings. Manage your services effortlessly within your GoSELL admin page by following these steps. Step–by–step guide:  Delete services  Step … Continued